Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization. Their mission is to provide local partners around the world with shoe boxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies … Read More
Trunk or Treat
Come out for candy, fellowship, and fun! You and your children can enjoy a safe environment and experience a great time with us.
“Brunswick Stew Fundraiser” to Benefit 2020 Youth Camp
Come and Support our KILN Youth Ministry! Make sure to order your Brunswick Stew.
Riverside Baptism
Come and experience a visible display of faith in Jesus through baptism. This event will be held after our morning worship at the Lindsey Bridge Road public assess to the Dan River.
Membership Class
Come out as we discuss information pertaining to membership here at New Vision Fellowship.
Church-wide Family Picnic
Come out for Great Fellowship, Great Food, and a Great time with us! Make sure to bring your favorite chips, desserts, and drinks, and be ready to have some fun at our Summer Picnic this … Read More
Church-Wide Picnic and Field Day
Join us after morning worship for a church-wide fellowship picnic and field day! Bring your favorite dish as we enjoy games and food and fellowship together in the spring-time sun.
Soup Kitchen
Once a month, New Vision volunteers provide a Sunday lunch at the Reidsville Soup Kitchen. Interested in volunteering? Contact the church office at 336-427-6264.
Soup Kitchen
Once a month, New Vision volunteers provide a Sunday lunch at the Reidsville Soup Kitchen. Interested in volunteering? Contact the church office at 336-427-6264.