“Spread the Light” Youth Rally
Calling all area students in rising grades 6 through 12: we want to provide a night of celebration and encouragement for you! We’ll start with a free pizza dinner followed by a rally filled with worship of our Savior, Jesus. The worship team from The Rock in King will lead us in singing. We’ll hear testimonies about the difference Jesus makes from Wake Forest University student athletes. Then we’ll hear some encouragement from the Word by Pastor Jeremy. Oh, and we’re giving away some free stuff! Backpacks, gift cards, autographed hats from Super Bowl MVP Drew Brees, tumblers, and more.
Area youth ministry leaders: we’d love for you to bring your whole crew. Our goal is to enable students to connect with Christ and one another in a Christ-celebrating context. If we learn about any steps toward Christ from your students or their friends, we have a plan to get that information to you so that you can connect and disciple through the gifts and gatherings God has granted you. In other words: we ain’t here to steal sheep!
Help us plan for food by sending us an estimated head count of students and leaders who might attend. Email students@nvf.life or RSVP via our Facebook event.